A new tool for modeling materials

Thermoset polymers made with composite materials give us everything from concrete bridge reinforcements to jet airplane wings to fiberglass boat hulls, and Philippe Geubelle's mission is to make these composites using methods ...

Deep learning from a dynamical viewpoint

NUS mathematicians have developed a new theoretical framework based on dynamical systems to understand when and how a deep neural network can learn arbitrary relationships.

What happens when a raindrop hits a puddle?

Have you ever taken a walk through the rain on a warm spring day and seen that perfect puddle? You know, the one where the raindrops seem to touch down at just the right pace, causing a dance of vanishing circles?

Abel Prize for maths awarded to woman for first time

Women took another step forward in the still male-dominated world of science Tuesday, as American Karen Uhlenbeck won the Abel Prize in mathematics for her work on partial differential equations.

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