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Does religion make kids less generous?

Religious parents are more likely to describe their children as empathetic and concerned about justice than are non-religious parents. But, new evidence reported in the Cell Press journal Current Biology on November 5 suggests ...

Image: Hubble sees elegant spiral hiding a hungry monster

NGC 4639 is a beautiful example of a type of galaxy known as a barred spiral. It lies over 70 million light-years away in the constellation of Virgo and is one of about 1,500 galaxies that make up the Virgo Cluster.

Fishy parents distinguish friend from foe

With intruders lurking everywhere, the volcanic crater lakes of Nicaragua can be a dangerous place to raise a family, especially if you're a fish.

Observing the birth of a planet

Astronomers at ETH Zurich have confirmed the existence of a young giant gas planet still embedded in the midst of the disk of gas and dust surrounding its parent star. For the first time, scientists are able to directly study ...

When times are tough, parents favor daughters over sons

In tough economic times, parents financially favor daughters over sons, according to researchers at the Carlson School of Management and Rutgers Business School. Their study, forthcoming in the Journal of Consumer Research, ...

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