As fuel cells evolve, a role emerges for palladium

( —Researchers at Yale University have taken another step toward the development of low-temperature, lower-cost alkaline fuel cells, which are battery-like devices that convert oxygen and hydrogen into electricity ...

Customizing catalysts for solid-state reactions

Chemists at Hokkaido University and the Institute for Chemical Reaction Design and Discovery (WPI-ICReDD) have developed the first high-performance catalyst specifically designed and optimized for solid-state, mechanochemical ...

Scientists ID new catalyst for cleanup of nitrites

Chemical engineers at Rice University have found a new catalyst that can rapidly break down nitrites, a common and harmful contaminant in drinking water that often results from overuse of agricultural fertilizers.

A breakthrough in catalysts: Smaller than nanoscale

For two decades, manipulating materials at the nanoscale to develop efficient catalysts for various applications, including water treatment, has been the gold standard in the field. But a new study goes even smaller—down ...

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