Scientists explain the theory behind Ising superconductivity

Superconductivity is a fascinating quantum phenomenon in which electrons form pairs and flow with zero resistance. However, strong enough magnetic field can break electron pairs and destroy superconductivity. Surprisingly, ...

Not every partnership is about sex

Many species form long-term partnerships in life. When we see such pair bonds, our first assumption tends to be that the two individuals are a male and female, and the partnership is based on mating.

Reef fish study reveals migratory mateship

New UTS research confirms that, when it comes to rabbitfish couples, appearances can be deceptive, raising fundamental questions about pairing, reproduction and social systems.

Team finds 'tipping point' between quantum and classical worlds

If we are ever to fully harness the power of light for use in optical devices, it is necessary to understand photons - the fundamental unit of light. Achieving such understanding, however, is easier said than done. That's ...

Inseparable galactic twins

( —Looking towards the constellation of Triangulum (The Triangle), in the northern sky, lies the galaxy pair MRK 1034. The two very similar galaxies, named PGC 9074 and PGC 9071, are close enough to one another ...

First evidence that the genome can adapt to temperature changes

Researchers at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona are the first to have studied the effects of a heatwave on the genetic make-up of a species. The researchers have been monitoring the evolution of the fly Drosophila subobscura ...

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