Superconductivity in an alloy with quasicrystal structure

Extraordinary things happen at low temperatures. One of the best examples is superconductivity, a phenomenon wherein the electrical resistance of a solid drops to zero below a critical temperature. Known for a century, superconductivity ...

Scientists pinpoint jealousy in the monogamous mind

Jealousy leads to increased brain activity in areas associated with social pain and pair bonding in monogamous monkeys, finds a study published today in open-access journal Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. The study is ...

Fragmented asteroid pair develops twin comet-like tails

Asteroids on the main belt, situated between Mars and Jupiter, move around the sun in quasi circular orbits, so they do not undergo the temperature changes which, in comets, produce the characteristic tails. Nevertheless, ...

Developing graphene microwave photodetector

A joint team has developed cryogenic microwave photodetector which is able to detect 100,000 times smaller light energy compared to the existing photedetectors. The significance is DGIST have developed the world's first microwave ...

Cheating is more society's problem than an affair of the heart

When it comes to love, cheating and divorce, matters are never just of the heart. In a bid to understand the love lives of humans, scientists have turned to the romantic relations of birds since the family life of many birds ...

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