Breaking nature's superfluid symmetry

Superfluids are an exotic state of matter in which particles flow without experiencing viscosity. Hiroki Ikegami and colleagues from the RIKEN Low Temperature Physics Laboratory in Wako have now observed another remarkable ...

Close look at iron-based superconductor advances theory

(—Cornell researchers have resolved a longstanding theoretical debate about the electronic structure of iron-based superconductors by directly observing it at the atomic scale. The work is reported in the Feb. ...

Dopants dramatically alter electronic structure of superconductor

Over the last quarter century, scientists have discovered a handful of materials that can be converted from magnetic insulators or metals into "superconductors" able to carry electrical current with no energy loss-an enormously ...

Metamaterials provide active control of 'slow light' devices

LANL researchers and collaborators have made the first demonstration of rapidly switching on and off "slow light" in specially designed metamate­rials at room temperature. Metamaterials are assemblies of multiple individual ...

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