Google replants its garage roots in tech workshops

Amid all the free food and other goodies that come with a job at Google Inc., there's one benefit a lot of employees don't even know about: a cluster of high-tech workshops that have become a tinkerer's paradise.

Google's rapidly rising expenses crimp 1Q earnings (Update)

Google is helping the economy and hurting its stock. The company is hiring so many employees for projects outside its thriving search advertising business that its expenses are growing much faster than its revenue.

New Google CEO Larry Page reshuffles exec team

(AP) -- Google CEO Larry Page has promoted at least seven executives to head key parts of the company in one of his first big moves since he took over the Internet search company on Monday. The management reshuffle is an ...

Google product chief leaves as Page takes helm

Larry Page's first day as Google chief executive on Monday was marked with the resignation of the executive in charge of search, Android and other major products at the Internet powerhouse.

Co-founder Page returning to Google helm

Google co-founder Larry Page on Monday takes back the reins of the Internet powerhouse that he and Sergey Brin created as Stanford University students some 13 years ago.

Google CEO wanted political donation removed: book

An upcoming book about Google claims that Eric Schmidt, who is to step down next week as chief executive, once asked for information about a political donation he made to be removed from the Internet giant's search engine, ...

YouTube shifts from Google's errant offshoot to strategic model

Once derided as Google's folly, the home of cheesy cat videos and the money-losing stepchild of an otherwise wildly profitable company, YouTube is emerging as a model for the more nimble, faster-paced company Google co-founder ...

Testing firm: Verizon iPhone loads Web pages fine

(AP) -- The Verizon iPhone loads Web pages just as fast as AT&T's version of the phone, even though Verizon's network has lower data speeds, a phone testing firm reported Monday.

As Google matures, startups keep it young

Google co-founder Larry Page is taking charge of the maturing Internet giant in a move seen as recapturing youthful roots in the face of competition from hip upstart startups like Facebook.

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