Cable company inserts ads as subscribers surf

(AP) -- Mediacom Communications Corp., a cable company with more than 800,000 Internet subscribers, has tried something other U.S. Internet service providers have shied away from: It has inserted its own ads into Web pages ...

Kindle puts readers and friends on same page

Amazon on Monday released a preview version of a Kindle software update that puts electronic book readers on the same page with friends still clinging to ink and paper works.

Google opens Malaysia office

Search engine Google said Wednesday it will open a Malaysian office, its second in Southeast Asia, following significant growth in Internet usage in the country.

Google awards $100 million to Eric Schmidt

(AP) -- Google Inc. says it has awarded $100 million worth of equity to Eric Schmidt, who is stepping aside as CEO but will stay with the company as executive chairman.

New technology displays math problems on browsers

( -- A new technology developed with help from Project Euclid at Cornell University Library makes it possible to display complex mathematics problems on Web pages.

Tech industry insider makes waves in China

It is just a simple piece of plywood, but it is a striking symbol of the frenzied adoration Kai-Fu Lee, perhaps China's most prominent technologist, elicits in this country.

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