Google devoted to search and staying nimble: CEO

Google executives assured investors that the Internet giant remained devoted to search and advertising while embracing risky new projects that could lead to big payoffs.

Search giants make websites easier to find

Google, Bing and Yahoo are working together to enable websites to tag content in a way that lets search engines better categorize and prioritize the information in results.

Google, shareholders to meet

(AP) -- Google Inc. will hold its first shareholders meeting since co-founder Larry Page took over as the Internet search leader's CEO.

Former Google CEO 'screwed up' on Facebook threat

(AP) -- If he had an another chance, former Google CEO Eric Schmidt would have pressed the Internet search leader to focus more on mounting a challenge to Facebook while he was still running the company.

Mathematically ranking ranking methods

In a world where everything from placement in a Google search result to World Cup eligibility depends on ranking and numerical ratings of some kind, it is becoming increasingly important to analyze the algorithms and techniques ...

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