Related topics: salmon

Growing risks from hatchery fish

A newly published collection of more than 20 studies by leading university scientists and government fishery researchers in Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, California, Russia and Japan provides mounting evidence ...

Pacific salmon may be dying from leukemia-type virus

In Canada's Fraser River, a mysterious illness has killed millions of Pacific salmon, and scientists have a new hypothesis about why: The wild salmon are suffering from viral infections similar to those linked to some forms ...

Why letting salmon escape could benefit bears and fishers

New research suggests that allowing more Pacific salmon to spawn in coastal streams will not only benefit the natural environment, including grizzly bears, but could also lead to more salmon in the ocean and thus larger salmon ...

Scientists worry North Pacific salmon may run out of food

With the number of salmon in the North Pacific having doubled in the past 50 years, scientists are increasingly concerned there may not be enough food to support them, and changing ocean conditions could make it even worse.

Salmon migration mystery explored on Idaho's Clearwater River

( -- Temperature differences and slow-moving water at the confluence of the Clearwater and Snake rivers in Idaho might delay the migration of threatened juvenile salmon and allow them to grow larger before reaching ...

Scientists study spawning salmon through a riverbed lens

Each year on the United Nations-designated World Water Day, March 22, people around the world consider the importance of fresh water to ecosystems and to us. On World Water Day 2018, the National Science Foundation (NSF) ...

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