Chlorophyll may biochemically recycle antioxidants

Chlorophyll, the green molecule that makes photosynthesis possible, may provide underappreciated dietary benefits, offering up yet one more reason to eat those leafy green vegetables.

Researchers describe how free radicals contribute to aging

Aging in part is the result of oxidative damage to proteins caused by free radicals, a byproduct of interaction of our bodies and radiation such as sunlight. A new study by Yale scientists provides some clues into how this ...

Ozone's impact on soybean yield: Reducing future losses

People tend to think of ozone as something in the upper atmosphere that protects the earth's surface from UV radiation. At the ground level, however, ozone is a pollutant that damages crops, particularly soybean.

Microalgae as natural detector of environmental safety

An international group of toxicologists, including experts from the Far Eastern Federal University (FEFU), report that unicellular microalgae, the most common microorganisms on Earth and an important part of the food chain ...

Scientists create sensors with traps for free radicals

Scientists of Tomsk Polytechnic University and partners from the Czech Republic and France have designed extremely sensitive sensors for free oxygen-containing radicals that are able to disrupt cell function. According to ...

Harnessing the oxidising power of air

Researchers report the catalysis of a highly specific chemical reaction where oxygen from the air is one ingredient and the other, an organic molecule, is selectively "oxidised". A simple manganese compound catalyses this ...

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