New coating could have big implications for lithium batteries

Building a better lithium-ion battery involves addressing a myriad of factors simultaneously, from keeping the battery's cathode electrically and ionically conductive to making sure that the battery stays safe after many ...

Improved hybrid models for multi-step wind speed forecasting

To mitigate global warming by reducing emissions, wind is widely expected to become an alternative source of energy. Wind power generation uses the surface atmosphere, where movement blows the wind turbine to generate the ...

Learning transistor mimics the brain

A new transistor based on organic materials has been developed by scientists at Linköping University. It has the ability to learn, and is equipped with both short-term and long-term memory. The work is a major step on the ...

The sun in 2018

This montage of 365 images shows the changing activity of our sun through the eyes of ESA's Proba-2 satellite during 2018. The images were taken by the satellite's SWAP camera, which works at extreme ultraviolet wavelengths ...

Flies release neuronal brakes to fly longer

While mechanical and biophysical aspects of insect flight are well studied, the neurobiology and circuitry underlying it remain poorly understood. For insects, while muscles provide the power for flying, the brain coordinates ...

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