Technological advances lead to organizational change

Changes due to new technologies take time and are difficult to overview. This is a conclusion made in a new doctoral thesis from the University of Gothenburg. The author of the thesis, researcher Sara Hjelm Lidholm, studied ...

Major Yahoo reorganization looms

Yahoo's new chief executive, Carol Bartz, is set to announce a major reorganization of the company, sources say, raising expectations that the stumbling Internet giant may get back on track after a punishing year.

Intel President Renee James to leave chipmaker

Intel said Thursday that President Renee James, who has worked at the chipmaker for 28 years, plans to leave the company early next year to seek a CEO role elsewhere.

Coping with stressful organisational change

Stress is not a recent phenomenon, but the modern work environment seems to highlights its detrimental effects on employees. This is no more obvious than during times of organisational change. Research published in the International ...

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