Carbon capture: Durable plastic doubles as a cleaner

Melamine, a small aromatic molecule loaded with nitrogen atoms, has traditionally found fame as a tough plastic that is ideal for making durable dishware and laminate coatings. Research by Mei Xuan Tan, Yugen Zhang and Jackie ...

SKorea says Samsung chip plant caused cancer

(AP)—A South Korean government agency said Friday that working at a Samsung Electronics factory caused the breast cancer of a worker who died earlier this year, only the second time it has recognized a link between cancer ...

Physicists produce stable water-based graphene dispersions

Umeå researchers show how activated graphene, activated carbons and other hydrophobic carbons can be dispersed in water in a form of micrometer-sized particles. The key agent that helps to make these dispersions last for ...

Platinum nanocatalyst could aid drugmakers

( -- Nanoparticles combining platinum and gold act as superefficient catalysts, but chemists have struggled to create them in an industrially useful form. Rice University chemists have answered the call this week ...

Ultrathin nanosheets separate ions from water

In a world-first, an international research team, led by Monash University and ANSTO, has created an ultrathin porous membrane to completely separate potentially harmful ions, such as lead and mercury, from water.

Monte Carlo simulations bring new focus to electron microscopy

With highly specialized instruments, we can see materials on the nanoscale—but we can't see what many of them do. That limits researchers' ability to develop new therapeutics and new technologies that take advantage of ...

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