Alba the albino orangutan returned to jungle in Indonesia

The world's only known albino orangutan climbed trees, foraged for food and began building a nest after being released into a remote Borneo jungle more than a year after conservation officials found her starving and dehydrated ...

Counting orangutan nests to estimate orangutan population

A general misconception about estimating wildlife population is that it is a simple calculation of individual animals. Much like how we do a headcount at school, orangutans too, can be counted in a similar way in the wild.

World's oldest Sumatran orangutan dies aged 62

The world's oldest Sumatran orangutan, which had 11 children and 54 descendants spread across the globe, has died aged 62, Australian zoo officials said Tuesday.

Group: Orangutan orphans a sign of habitat destruction

The discovery last week of two orphaned baby orangutans on Borneo is further evidence that deforestation and illegal hunting are threatening survival of the great apes, an Indonesian conservation group said Monday.

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