Palm oil kills orangutans in Indonesia peat swamp

It's been called the orangutan capital of the world, but the great apes in Indonesia's Tripa peat forest on the island of Sumatra are under threat by palm oil plantations that have gobbled up thousands of acres of land to ...

Sign language orangutan dead at 39

Chantek, a male orangutan that learned to communicate in sign language, has died at the age of 39, a US zoo announced.

The history of orangutans in human culture

The similarities between orangutans and humans, and the argument that primates should be given their own form of human rights, will be put under the microscope in a presentation at The Australian National University (ANU).

Sick, hungry orangutans fall victim to Indonesia fires crisis

Endangered orangutans are falling victim to a devastating haze crisis that has left them sick, malnourished and severely traumatised as fires rage through Indonesia's forests, reducing their habitat to a charred wasteland.

Endangered orangutans face a new threat

The loss of habitats is the greatest threat to the endangered orangutans, and now a new study says their existence could be further jeopardized if conservation efforts don't include reintroducing these great apes into natural ...

Orangutans take the logging road

A new discovery by a Simon Fraser University doctoral student in the School of Resource and Environmental Management, published in Oryx, demonstrates that orangutans may be even more adaptable than he first thought.

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