'Extinct' monkey rediscovered in Borneo by new expedition

An international team of scientists has found one of the rarest and least known primates in Borneo, Miller's Grizzled Langur, a species which was believed to be extinct or on the verge of extinction. The team's findings, ...

Great apes make sophisticated decisions

Chimpanzees, orangutans, gorillas and bonobos make more sophisticated decisions than was previously thought. Great apes weigh their chances of success, based on what they know and the likelihood to succeed when guessing, ...

Prime Indonesian jungle to be cleared for palm oil

(AP) -- The man known as Indonesia's "green governor" chases the roar of illegal chainsaws through plush jungles in his own Jeep. He goes door-to-door to tell families it's in their interest to keep trees standing.

Warnings as sustainable palm oil effort falters

Environmentalists have warned that an effort to encourage the sustainable production of palm oil launched several years ago has not kept pace with expanding cultivation driven by rising demand.

Survey: Indonesians killed 750 orangutans in year

(AP) -- Villagers living on the Indonesian side of Borneo killed at least 750 endangered orangutans in a year, some to protect crops from being raided and others for their meat, a new survey shows.

Orangutans adapt their movements to swamp forest

Orangutans living in thin forest growing in peat swamps in Borneo have different ways of getting about to their cousins in drier rainforest on the neighbouring Indonesian island of Sumatra - but not as different as scientists ...

Mandrill monkey creates tool for a pedicure (w/ video)

(PhysOrg.com) -- In a recent paper published in Behavioural Processes, scientists reveal a film of a mandrill monkey creating a tool from a stick in order to remove dirt from underneath its toenails. This new finding shows ...

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