Big-eyed Borneo slow loris tagged for first time

Malaysian wildlife researchers have tagged a Bornean slow loris for the first time as part of efforts to find out more about the nocturnal primate known for its big eyes and rare toxic bite.

Baboons prefer dining with friends

Mealtimes can be a fraught business for the wild baboons of the Namib Desert. There's little food about, which means they have to share. Unsurprisingly, skirmishes often break out.

Orangutans bite back

( -- Life as a seed isn't easy: you need to be tough enough to deter all but the most muscular-jawed predators but no so hard that you can't germinate.

Malaysian experiment releases 3 orangutans in wild

(AP) -- Malaysian researchers are testing whether three young orangutans reared in captivity can adapt to life in the wild outside Borneo, while activists insisted Wednesday the experiment was a flawed way of trying to help ...

Racing against the Orangutan clock

For the last 18 years, Cheryl Knott of Boston University has been racing the clock. While she researches orangutans in the rainforests of Gunung Palung National Park in Borneo, the numbers of this magnificent ape steadily ...

Orangutan copy cats (w/ Video)

You know the saying "monkey see, monkey do?" How about "orangutan see, orangutan do?" If that holds true, the small orangutan peering over his mother's shoulder in an enclosure at Zoo Atlanta should learn how to get a tasty ...

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