Researchers create first supermode optical resonator

What does it take for scientists to push beyond the current limits of knowledge? Researchers in Federico Capasso's group at the Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) have developed an effective ...

Getting more information by measuring faster and averaging less

For signals barely larger than the noise in a system, measurement is generally a trade-off between speed and precision. Averaging over several measurements reduces the influence of noise but takes (a lot of) time. That could ...

New nanomechanical oscillators with record-low loss

The vibrational modes of nanomechanical resonators are analogous to different notes of a guitar string and have similar properties such as frequency (pitch) and lifetime. The lifetime is characterized by the quality factor, ...

An optical chip improved by light

Technology is increasingly moving towards miniaturization and energy efficiency. This also applies to electronic chips. Light, and optics more broadly, are functional in making compact and portable chips. Researchers from ...

New sensor detects ever smaller nanoparticles

Conventional microscopes produce enlarged images of small structures or objects with the help of light. Nanoparticles, however, are so small that they hardly absorb or scatter light and, hence, remain invisible. Optical resonators ...

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