Karlsruhe invisibility cloak: Disappearing visibly

"Seeing something invisible with your own eyes is an exciting experience," say Joachim Fischer and Tolga Ergin. For about one year, both physicists and members of the team of Professor Martin Wegener at KIT's Center for Functional ...

Dense yet transparent materials offer new way to control light

Researchers recently made the surprising discovery that a special class of materials called "hyperuniform materials" can be both dense and transparent. This work demonstrates a new way to control light and could lead to novel ...

Nanowire lens can reconfigure its imaging properties

(PhysOrg.com) -- By taking advantage of the unique optical properties of nanoscale materials, researchers have designed a lens made of nanowires that can reconfigure its imaging properties without any electronic or mechanical ...

Devil in the defect detail of quantum emissions unravelled

Systems which can emit a stream of single photons, referred to as quantum light sources, are critical hardware components for emerging technologies such as quantum computing, the quantum internet, and quantum communications.

New tool helps researchers study remote glaciers

As warming atmospheric temperatures lead to glacier thinning and retreat around the world, understanding how glaciers are responding to climate change, algal growth, and impurities like dust and black carbon is vital. Understanding ...

Twisted crystals point way toward active optical materials

(PhysOrg.com) -- A nanoscale game of "now you see it, now you don't" may contribute to the creation of metamaterials with useful optical properties that can be actively controlled, according to scientists at Rice University.

Physicists investigate onset of effective mass

(Phys.org) —Although mass may seem to be a fairly straightforward concept, from a physics perspective it can be much more complex than weighing an object and reading off a number in grams. For instance, an object's mass ...

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