Smuggling light through opaque materials

Electrical engineers at Duke University have discovered that changing the physical shape of a class of materials commonly used in electronics and near- and mid-infrared photonics—chalcogenide glasses— can extend their ...

Breaking metamaterial symmetry with reflected light

Optical activity—rotation of the polarization of light—is well known to occur within materials that differ from their mirror image. But what happens if this symmetry is broken by the direction of illumination rather than ...

Imaging technique provides link to innovative products

When we think about the links to the future—the global transition to solar and wind energy, tactile virtual reality or synthetic neurons—there's no shortage of big ideas. It's the materials to execute the big ideas—the ...

On-chip photodetection: Two-dimensional material heterojunctions

Photonic integrated circuits (PICs) use photons as information carriers and are expected to solve the bottleneck problems of microelectronic chips in terms of speed, power consumption and integration density with their advantages ...

Nature of bonding determines thermal conductivity

Optical data carriers such as DVDs, Blu-rays and CD-RWs store data in layers of so-called "phase change materials". In the future, these materials will enable the development of fast, non-volatile and energy-saving main memories. ...

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