New etching method helps to build 3-D structures from 2-D template

In modern telecommunications, light carries digital information over kilometers within seconds. Adapted optical materials control the light signals. In the Advanced Functional Materials journal, researchers from Berlin, Louvain, ...

Trapping T-rays for better security scanners

( —Medical diagnostic and security scanners with higher sensitivity could result from University of Adelaide research into detecting T-rays (terahertz waves).

Photonic gels are colorful sensors

(—Materials scientists at Rice University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) have created very thin color-changing films that may serve as part of inexpensive sensors for food spoilage or security, ...

What is glass and how is it shaping our world?

From fiber optic cables to smartphones, glass is playing a major role in emerging technology. To learn more about how glass will shape future society, we spoke with Katelyn Kirchner, a doctoral candidate at Penn State, who ...

New fluorescent dyes help illuminate microscopic life

Inspired by the mechanism behind light-sensitive sunglasses, a team led by a North Carolina State University researcher invented a family of fluorescent dyes to illuminate biological processes at a very small scale—comparable ...

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