Scientists work on an alternative to carry data

Installing new optical fibres is expensive. So network operators want to make better use of their existing capacities. A new type of laser diode from Darmstadt could help. It has now been put into practice with the industry.

Liquid light switch could enable more powerful electronics

Researchers have built a miniature electro-optical switch which can change the spin—or angular momentum—of a liquid form of light by applying electric fields to a semiconductor device a millionth of a metre in size. Their ...

Small and bright—what nanophotonics means for you

Twenty fifteen was UNESCO's International Year of Light and Light based Technologies. It was a celebration of past milestones in optics and photonics and a look forward into its future.

Physicists prove new potential for silicon chips

Scientists have opened a door to faster, cheaper telecommunications after proving a new link between silicon chips and 'rare-earth' metals used in internet signalling.

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