Cheaters drawn to the opportunity to cheat

A study by the Max Planck Institute for Tax Law and Public Finance shows that dishonestly earned money stinks to some but attracts others. Given the choice, some people consciously seek out situations in which to cheat. For ...

Job connectivity improves resiliency in US cities, study finds

What makes urban labor markets more resilient? This is the question at the heart of a new study published in Nature Communications by members of MIT's Connection Science Group. The researchers in this study, including MIT ...

Mapping the best places to plant trees

Reforestation could help to combat climate change, but whether and where to plant trees is a complex choice with many conflicting factors. To combat this problem, researchers reporting in the journal One Earth on December ...

Opportunity's parting shot was a beautiful panorama

Over 29 days last spring, NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity documented this 360-degree panorama from multiple images taken at what would become its final resting spot in Perseverance Valley. Located on the inner slope ...

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