Scientists decode opium poppy genome

Scientists have determined the DNA code of the opium poppy genome, uncovering key steps in how the plant evolved to produce the pharmaceutical compounds used to make vital medicines.

Researchers discover how opium poppies synthesize morphine

Many people who live in developing countries do not have access to the pain relief that comes from morphine or other analgesics. That's because opiates are primarily derived from the opium poppy plant (Papaver somniferum) ...

Microbial factories could produce locally brewed painkillers

The past few decades have seen enormous progress being made in synthetic biology – the idea that simple biological parts can be tweaked to do our bidding. One of the main targets has been hacking the biological machinery ...

Unlocking the opium poppy's biggest secret (w/ Video)

Researchers at the University of Calgary have discovered the unique genes that allow the opium poppy to make codeine and morphine, thus opening doors to alternate methods of producing these effective painkillers either by ...

Deciphering how the body picks the right opioid enantiomers

A new study aimed to understand how our bodies recognize and respond to different enantiomer forms of opioid. Led by Dr. Xiaohui Wang from the Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences, the research ...

Is Hemp the key to a sustainable future?

Hemp is one of the most versatile and sustainable plants on the planet—and with Mirreco's new harvesting machine, its many uses could go mainstream.

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