Mathematical models key to tracking gossip, terrorists

( -- Thanks to the Internet and online social networks (OSNs) news and gossip now spread literally like wildfire -- uncontrollably and seemingly without any order. But according to one Ryerson researcher, there ...

Trolls often waive their anonymity online

Hate speech in social media can damage or even destroy the reputation of an individual or a company very quickly. Widespread opinion blames the fact that individuals generally write these things anonymously online as the ...

Anonymous browsing hinders online dating signals

Big data and the growing popularity of online dating sites may be reshaping a fundamental human activity: finding a mate, or at least a date. Yet a new study in Management Science finds that certain longstanding social norms ...

National security vs. online privacy

One method for safeguarding online anonymity is Tor, "the onion router", whose name comes from its method of adding and stripping away encryption layer by layer as messages pass from one node to another in the network en ...

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