Better weather spurs hope over oil spill

Kinder weather offered some respite Monday to Louisiana's coastal communities from a giant oil spill looming off shore, but it could still take months to cap the leaking well.

House panel subpoenas on wind power, eagle deaths

House Republicans are seeking to compel the Obama administration to turn over uncensored, internal documents related to its enforcement of environmental laws at wind farms where eagles and other protected birds have been ...

Even modest oil exposure can harm coastal and marine birds

Many birds and other wildlife die following an oil spill, but there are also other potential long-terms effects of oil exposure on animals. In a recent Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry study that examined blood samples ...

Even light oiling is like flying with a ball and chain for birds

It's a depressingly familiar sight when an oil well blows or a tanker runs aground: thousands of stranded, helpless animals wallowing in cloying crude oil. 'Birds are often used as the poster children for the deadly effects ...

The birdlife of an unforgiving paradise

When ECU wildlife ecologist Dr Rob Davis describes surveying birdlife on the island of New Britain as the hardest field work he's ever done, he's not exaggerating.

Dotterels doing well post-Rena

( —Monitoring shows the population of rare New Zealand dotterels captured during the Rena oil spill has recovered well from the event.

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