US: Sea otters are recovered following 1989 spill

(AP)—A U.S. federal study of Prince William Sound sea otters affected by crude oil spilled from the Exxon Valdez has concluded that the marine mammals have returned to pre-spill numbers a quarter century after the disaster.

Still-fresh remnants of Exxon Valdez oil protected by boulders

Twenty-five years after the infamous Exxon Valdez oil spill in Prince William Sound, beaches on the Alaska Peninsula hundreds of kilometers from the incident still harbor small hidden pockets of surprisingly unchanged oil, ...

Scientists discover mechanism of crude oil heart toxicity

Scientists from Stanford University and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have discovered that crude oil interferes with fish heart cells. The toxic consequence is a slowed heart rate, reduced cardiac ...

US court upholds BP settlement for Gulf oil spill

A US federal appeals court upheld a multibillion-dollar settlement between BP and the coastal residents and businesses hit by the company's massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill in 2010.

How math helps stop oil spills and plane crashes

Jason Merrick, Ph.D., says that his daughters tell people that their father stops oil spills, plane crashes and terrorist attacks with math. That's one way to describe Merrick's research, which at its core involves developing ...

Oil dispersants not as harmful to marine life as predicted

The chemical dispersant used to counteract the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 may not be as harmful to fish as first thought, says new research from Queen's professor Peter Hodson and his team of ...

BP trial to focus on scientists' spill estimates

When BP used a capping stack to seal its blown-out well in the Gulf of Mexico, the device didn't just shut the source of the nation's worst offshore oil spill. Its pressure gauge also provided scientists with crucial data ...

BP executive defends spill response tactics

A BP executive who led the company's efforts to halt its massive 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico testified Tuesday that his decisions were guided by the principle that they shouldn't do anything that could make the crisis ...

New tool pinpoints oil reserves

( —A tool to precisely pinpoint where petroleum and gas reserves have accumulated has been created by an international team of scientists, including a geologist from the University of California, Davis.

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