Oil spill impacts may perturb entire food webs

Oil spills not only have a direct impact on species and habitats, but may also set off a cascade of perturbations that affect the entire food web. These are the findings of new research published in an article in the special ...

Scientists develop new tool to assess oil spills

Scientists are getting an entirely new perspective of what happens to oil in a spill, thanks to a tool developed by researchers at Florida International University.

Novel oil spill cleanup technology successfully tested

Tests conducted last week of a novel technology that can greatly accelerate the combustion of crude oil floating on water demonstrated its potential to become an effective tool for minimizing the environmental impact of future ...

Researchers shed light on Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

It has been six years since the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill dumped millions of barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. Plants and animals were harmed and the places they call home destroyed. The money brought in by fisheries ...

Oil pollution a threat to haddock

Haddock is an important fish species that has its most important spawning ground in and around Norway's northern Lofoten archipelago, where oil production is being planned. However, research now reveals that the roe and larvae ...

Uncharted waters: Restoring deep Gulf fouled by BP spill

Far offshore and a mile deep in the dark world below the Gulf of Mexico's gleaming surface, the catastrophic BP oil spill of 2010 did untold damage on the ocean floor. But scientists are unsure they can do much to heal places ...

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