Environmental solutions to go global

New Australian technology that could fix some of the world's biggest environmental pollution problems—oil spills, mercury pollution and fertiliser runoff—will soon be available to global markets following the signing ...

Looking down on a decade: Satellite images tell the stories

There has been no shortage of big news over the last decade. Spanning the globe, some stories were expected while others caught the world off guard. Some were so massive they were visible from space, captured through state-of-the-art ...

Oil spill threatens rare Bangladesh dolphin breeding zone

An oil spill on a river in southeast Bangladesh has threatened the breeding ground of the critically endangered Ganges dolphin, environmentalists said Sunday, describing it as a "major disaster" for the mammal.

Mystery oil spills blot more than 130 Brazilian beaches

The source of large blots of oil staining more than 130 beaches in northeastern Brazil remained a mystery Tuesday despite President Jair Bolsonaro's assertions they came from outside the country and were possibly the work ...

Safe solution to mop up oil spills

There have been more than 700 oil spills worldwide in the past 20 years, polluting oceans and coastlines as well as endangering marine ecology and other wildlife.

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