NASA's MISR Provides Unique Views of Gulf Oil Slick

( -- New Gulf oil spill images from the Multi-angle Imaging SpectroRadiometer instrument on NASA's Terra spacecraft paint dramatic portraits of different aspects of the growing spill.

Gulf of Mexico oil spill in the Loop Current

( -- Scientists monitoring the US oil spill with ESA's Envisat radar satellite say that it has entered the Loop Current, a powerful conveyor belt that flows clockwise around the Gulf of Mexico towards Florida.

Scientists find huge oil plumes deep in Gulf of Mexico: report

Scientists have discovered enormous plumes of oil in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico, in an indication that the leak from an underwater well could be far worse than previously estimated, The New York Times reported ...

BP oil leak 'much bigger than official estimates'

Much more oil is spewing into the Gulf of Mexico from a sunken British Petroleum oil rig than official estimates show, experts warned Friday as BP executives stuck to their guns and even tried to play down the size of the ...

Massive disaster looms in Gulf of Mexico spill

BP officials desperately searched for a new fix to the enormous Gulf of Mexico oil spill after efforts to cap a gushing leak with a containment dome hit a perilous snag.

Giant box close to being over oil-spewing well

(AP) -- A mission to the bottom of the sea to try to avert a wider environmental disaster progressed early Friday as crews said a 100-ton concrete-and-steel box was close to being placed over a blown-out well on the Gulf ...

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