BP oil leak 'much bigger than official estimates'

Much more oil is spewing into the Gulf of Mexico from a sunken British Petroleum oil rig than official estimates show, experts warned Friday as BP executives stuck to their guns and even tried to play down the size of the ...

Estimating How Much Oil The Gulf Spill Released

Official government estimates now say that around 27,000 barrels of oil per day have been pouring out of the damaged well in the Gulf of Mexico since the leak began. This estimate comes from the report of the Flow Rate Technical ...

Scientists: Gulf health nearly at pre-spill level

(AP) -- Scientists judge the overall health of the Gulf of Mexico as nearly back to normal one year after the BP oil spill, but with glaring blemishes that restrain their optimism about nature's resiliency, an Associated ...

Landslide along Alaskan fjord could trigger tsunami

A glacier that had held an Alaskan slope in place for centuries is melting, releasing the soil beneath in what can be described as a slow-motion landslide, researchers say. But there's also the possibility of a real landslide ...

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