Lessons learned from the two worst oils spills in U.S. history

One year after the notorious BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and two decades after the Exxon Valdez spill in Prince William Sound off the coast of Alaska the scientific lesson is clear – microbes ...

Oil slick concern after ships collide near Mumbai

The Indian coastguard was trying on Monday to contain oil from a badly-listing container ship that collided with another vessel near the city of Mumbai, a defence ministry spokesman said.

Nesting turtles give clues on oil spill's impact

(AP) -- Nearly hidden by brownish sand, the Kemps ridley sea turtle digging furiously with her back flippers as she carved out a flask-shaped hole to lay her eggs wasn't aware of the excitement she was generating among the ...

Experts say management failed in BP spill

Before a rapt audience in Science Center D on Tuesday night (Feb. 22), two experts in the science of well blowouts told an inside story about the worst oil spill disaster in United States history -- starting with the catastrophic ...

BP deep-cleaning Gulf beaches amid new worries

(AP) -- What's typically a beautiful, quiet stretch of beach in the fall now resembles a construction site. Bulldozers and yellow dump trucks shake the ground; a giant sifting machine spits clean sand out one end, tar balls ...

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