Gulf oil spill research featured in special issue

The Deepwater Horizon oil spill was not only the largest ecological disaster in the U.S., but it has become the most scientifically researched oil spill. Six years since the disaster, researchers from various fields have ...

Researchers shed light on Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill

It has been six years since the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill dumped millions of barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico. Plants and animals were harmed and the places they call home destroyed. The money brought in by fisheries ...

Crude oil causes heart and skull deformities in haddock

Even brief exposures of the eggs of Atlantic haddock to low concentrations of dispersed crude oil can cause severe and usually deadly deformities in developing fish, an international research team has found.

Oil pollution a threat to haddock

Haddock is an important fish species that has its most important spawning ground in and around Norway's northern Lofoten archipelago, where oil production is being planned. However, research now reveals that the roe and larvae ...

Prediction models help determine best oil spill response

Oil spills can be catastrophic, impacting health, the ecosystem and the economy. The severity of an oil spill's impact depends on the amount and source of oil, what courses of action responders choose and the physical properties ...

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