Oil spill drifts away from Corsica coast

Fears two oil slicks would pollute eastern Corsica's holiday beaches eased Saturday after French officials prepared for the worst and naval boats armed with clean-up equipment arrived off the Mediterranean island.

Oil-eating bacteria could help to tackle spills

A team of scientists from Heriot-Watt University has created an underwater observatory in the Faroe-Shetland Channel—and found its waters are teeming with oil-eating bacteria that could help deal with future oil spills.

Fighting 'forever chemicals' with microbes

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are some of the most persistent environmental pollutants, earning them the moniker "forever chemicals." Increasing concern about the adverse health effects of PFAS exposure has researchers ...

Red Snapper in the Gulf show signs of stress

Nearly 100 percent of the red snapper sampled in the Gulf of Mexico over a six-year period by University of South Florida (USF) marine scientists showed evidence of liver damage, according to a study reported in Aquatic Toxicology.

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