Image: NASA satellite image shows lava flow from Hawaii volcano

New NASA satellite imagery captured a hot lava flow from fissure 8 of Hawaii's Kilauea volcano. The flow from fissure 8 extends from the Leilani Estates to the Pacific Ocean—with main ocean entry points near Ahalanui.

First oceans may have been acidic

One way to understand how ocean acidity can change, for example, in response to rising carbon dioxide (CO2) levels, is to look to the history of seawater acidity. Dr. Itay Halevy of the Weizmann Institute of Science has looked ...

New West Coast mission investigates ocean acidification threat

Tomorrow, NOAA scientists will steam out of San Diego harbor to lead the most extensive effort to understand changing ocean chemistry on the West Coast and its impact on economically and culturally important fish and shellfish.

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