Uncovering the mystery of DNA replication

By looking into the mechanism of a backward enzyme, scientists speculate why DNA replication always happens in the forward direction.

Cow embryos reveal new type of chromosome chimera

I've often wondered what happens between the time an egg is fertilized and the time the ball of cells that it becomes nestles into the uterine lining. It's a period that we know very little about, a black box of developmental ...

Crystal structure of PKG I suggests a new activation mechanism

Protein kinases, most scientists would agree, regulate nearly every aspect of cell life. It is no surprise, then, that having faulty protein kinases may lead to a number of human conditions, including cardiovascular diseases, ...

Public rice genomic resources are boon for breeders

A Cornell-led international team of researchers has launched a set of open-access genomic resources that will greatly accelerate the ability of geneticists and breeders to link genes to important traits in rice.

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