Dissecting the brain's primary developmental engine

(Phys.org) —Last month, researchers reported the creation of the first primitive brain-like structures made from human stem cells. To create the complex morphology of these cerebral organoids, cells within a proliferating ...

First NMR Signal of a Copper Site in Azurin Obtained

(PhysOrg.com) -- Metalloproteins, such as the copper-containing azurin, play a major role in catalyzing electron transfer in cellular reactions. Understanding how their structure relates to function can give rise to advances ...

Neon lights up exploding stars

(Phys.org)—An international team of nuclear astrophysicists has shed new light on the explosive stellar events known as novae.

New theory for analysing interacting nuclear spins in solvents

Hardly a spectroscopic method boasts so many different applications as nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, better known as "NMR". The approach of NMR spectroscopy is based on monitoring the so-called nuclear spin, namely ...

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