Predicting the composition of a steel alloy

Producing energy on Earth through nuclear fusion, the type of reaction that powers the sun, has proven to be a major challenge. The extreme conditions needed for such a reaction require the walls of a nuclear fusion device ...

New strategy developed for synthesis of copper nanoclusters

Due to exact atomic composition and crystal structure, atomically precise copper nanoclusters are used as model catalysts for catalytic reaction mechanisms study. However, the efficient synthesis of copper nanoclusters still ...

How to shelter from a nuclear explosion

There is no good place to be when a nuclear bomb goes off. Anything too close is instantly vaporized, and radiation can pose a serious health threat even at a distance. In between, there is another danger: the blast wave ...

How do neutrons interact with reactor materials?

Many applications rely on global theoretical models of how neutrons interact with nuclei over a wide range of incident neutron energies. These applications range from energy production to homeland security to medical treatments. ...

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