Solid-state NMR unveils fluoride ion channel permeation mechanism

A research team led by Shi Chaowei from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) has adapted the fluoride ion channel protein Fluc-Ec1 combined with deuterium substitution ...

Deciphering the molecular dynamics of complex proteins

Which structures do complex proteins adopt in solution? Konstanz biophysicists answer this question using the example of ubiquitin dimers as well as a new combination of high-resolution NMR spectroscopy and sophisticated ...

Researchers develop NMR method for drug structure elucidation

In the late 1950s and 1960s, more than 12,000 malformed babies with short arms and legs were born as a side effect of thalidomide, a drug sold to pregnant women to prevent morning sickness. The tragedy was caused by the drug's ...

Unusual interactions between polymers explain hydrogel formation

Many people use hydrogels without knowing it. As superabsorbents in nappies, for example, hydrogels absorb a lot of liquid. In the process, the initially dry material becomes jelly-like, but it does not wet. Some people place ...

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