Simple swap for a greener toolkit

A metal catalyst that gives distinct carbon-based molecular skeletons upon ligand change may unlock cost-effective, green synthetic route

Porous silica protects nickel catalyst

By wrapping nickel nanoparticles in a protective shield of porous silica, A*STAR researchers have developed a highly active and robust catalyst that could help to produce methane from biomass.

High quality graphene from nickel

A study published in Science reports the catalytic action of nickel in the growth of graphene sheets. The research, carried out by Iom-Cnr and the University of Trieste, provides new strategies to improve the industrial production ...

Converting CO2 into usable energy

Imagine if carbon dioxide (CO2) could easily be converted into usable energy. Every time you breathe or drive a motor vehicle, you would produce a key ingredient for generating fuels. Like photosynthesis in plants, we could ...

Metals in taps and water pipes can dissolve into drinking water

Significant amounts of nickel, lead and copper can dissolve into the water from the water pipes and taps in buildings. This was revealed in the master's thesis of Meri Sipilä, who graduated recently from Aalto University. ...

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