Related topics: particles · standard model · dark matter

The 'dense' potential of nanostructured superconductors

From superfast magnetic levitation trains and computer chips to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines and particle accelerators, superconductors are electrifying various aspects of our life. Superconductivity is an interesting ...

Alain Aspect, Nobel-winning father of quantum entanglement

Alain Aspect, who won a long-expected Nobel Physics Prize on Tuesday, not only helped prove the strange theory of quantum entanglement but also inspired a generation of physicists in his native France, according to former ...

Analyzing the potential of AlphaFold in drug discovery

Over the past few decades, very few new antibiotics have been developed, largely because current methods for screening potential drugs are prohibitively expensive and time-consuming. One promising new strategy is to use computational ...

Investing more in cycling far outweighs the costs

The Dutch have long been recognized as leaders in cycling. Denmark is not far behind, with more bikes than cars in its capital Copenhagen. This is the result of many years of investment. Even the U.K., with less of a cycling ...

Mercury removal made easy in toxic environments

Mercury pollution is a global problem in water, air and soil near goldmines, cement and some metal production, and other heavy industries burning fossil fuels—with removal too expensive or difficult in some of the poorest ...

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