NASA releases new visualization of space environment at Pluto

This video shows a simulation of the space environment all the way out to Pluto in the months surrounding New Horizons' July 2015 flyby. At the time, scientists at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland, ...

Stabilizing polarons opens up new physics

Physicists at EPFL have developed a formulation to solve the longstanding problem of electron self-interaction when studying polarons—quasiparticles produced by electron-phonon interactions in materials. The work can lead ...

SUrface Dust Mass Analyzer (SUDA) selected for Europa mission

A University of Colorado Boulder instrument has been selected to fly on a NASA mission to Jupiter's icy moon, Europa, which is believed to harbor a subsurface ocean that may provide conditions suitable for life.

ATLAS experiment measures top quark polarization

Unique among its peers is the top quark—a fascinating particle that the scientific community has been studying in detail since the 90s. Its large mass makes it the only quark to decay before forming bound states (a process ...

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