Indonesia returning hundreds of containers of waste to West

Indonesia is sending back hundreds of containers of contaminated waste to the West after shipments supposedly containing plastic meant for recycling were found to hide hazardous substances, customs officials said.

Smarter experiments for faster materials discovery

A team of scientists from the U.S. Department of Energy's Brookhaven National Laboratory and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory designed, created, and successfully tested a new algorithm to make smarter scientific measurement ...

New genes out of nothing

One key question in evolutionary biology is how novel genes arise and develop. Swedish researchers now show how new genes and functions that are advantageous to bacteria can be selected from random DNA sequences. The results ...

Ancient wetlands provide new insight into global carbon cycle

Scientists have unearthed and pieced together evidence on more than 1,000 ancient wetland sites from across the globe that are presently covered by fields, forests and lakes. Although vanished from the Earth's surface, these ...

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