Researchers demystify centralization in cryptocurrency mining

Blockchain technology has been considered as the most revolutionizing invention since the internet. Due to its immutable nature and the associated security and privacy benefits, it has attracted the attention of banks, governments, ...

UK government says it hasn't decided yet on Huawei 5G role

The British government has not yet decided whether to allow China's Huawei to supply parts for the U.K.'s new 5G wireless network, Digital Secretary Jeremy Wright said Thursday, as he condemned leaks from private government ...

Britain 'approves' Huawei role in 5G network

British Prime Minister Theresa May has reportedly approved a limited role for China's Huawei to help build a 5G network in the UK, shrugging off security warnings from senior ministers and Washington surrounding the telecoms ...

Can a Wi-Fi network ever be completely secure?

There are many ways in which hackers and crackers can break into a Wi-Fi network. It is trivial if the network uses out of date security protocols or weak passwords. But even if the system is setup with the latest security ...

Army researchers identify new way to improve cybersecurity

With cybersecurity one of the nation's top security concerns and billions of people affected by breaches last year, government and businesses are spending more time and money defending against it. Researchers at the U.S. ...

UK identifies fresh Huawei risks to telecom networks

Britain has identified "significant" issues in Huawei's engineering processes that pose "new risks" for the nation's telecommunications, a government report found Thursday amid lingering global suspicion over the Chinese ...

Germany launches 5G auction amid row with US over Huawei

Germany launched its auction Tuesday for the construction of an ultra-fast 5G mobile network as a transatlantic dispute rages over security concerns surrounding giant Chinese telecoms equipment maker Huawei.

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