Study finds indications for recovery after ecosystem pollution

Environmental damage caused by human activity can reduce the number of plant and animal species dramatically. At the same time, very little is known about how biodiversity recovers after ecosystem pollution is curtailed and ...

Predators help prey adapt to an uncertain future

What effect does extinction of species have on the evolution of surviving species? Evolutionary biologists have investigated this question by conducting a field experiment with a leaf galling fly and its predatory enemies. ...

Personalities promote adaptability

Bold great tits lay their eggs earlier when under threat, the shy ones put it off. Such personality differences help maintain the biological variation essential for the survival of populations, as LMU biologists have now ...

Miscanthus adapts

An article in the current issue of Global Change Biology Bioenergy finds that natural populations of Miscanthus are promising candidates as second-generation energy sources because they have genetic variation that may increase ...

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