Related topics: invasive species

Dimensions of invasive plant success

Invasive alien plants are plant species that grow in an environment outside their native habitat. If they successfully establish self-sustaining populations in these new environments—an event called "naturalization"—they ...

Wheat virus crosses over, harms native grasses

Once upon a time, it was thought that crop diseases affected only crops. New research shows, however, that a common wheat virus can spread and harm perennial native grasses.

Cute but calamitous: Australia labors under rabbit numbers

With their outsized ears and fluffy fur, rabbits are often seen as cute and harmless. Yet the creature is behind one of the globe's most harmful biological invasions, ravaging Australia, whose efforts to limit the problem ...

Scientists examine toxicity of medicinal plants in Peru

Many developing countries rely on traditional medicine as an accessible and affordable treatment option for human maladies. However, until now, scientific data has not existed to evaluate the potential toxicity of medicinal ...

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