Rights groups call for action over reported US-UK phone hack

Rights organizations on Friday called for urgent steps to be taken to protect private calls and online communications after allegations that U.S. and British agencies hacked into the networks of a major SIM card maker.

Powerful cyber spy tool linked to US-led effort

A powerful cyberspying tool can tap into millions of computers worldwide through secretly installed malware, security researchers say, with many signs pointing to a US-led effort.

Three of tech's top CEOs to skip Obama cybersecurity summit

The top executives of Google Inc., Yahoo! Inc. and Facebook Inc. won't attend President Barack Obama's cybersecurity summit on Friday, at a time when relations between the White House and Silicon Valley have frayed over privacy ...

Parenting tech keeps tabs on children

American parents may not have the resources of the National Security Agency, but it's not that hard for them to snoop on their smartphone-addicted kids.

Judge sides with government in lawsuit over surveillance

A federal judge on Tuesday sided with the government in a lawsuit alleging the National Security Agency is illegally engaging in the bulk collection of Internet and telephone records in the hunt for potential terrorists.

Cybersecurity issue goes beyond the Anthem headlines

While the security breach affecting as many as 80 million Anthem Inc. customers generates big headlines because of its size, it's the smaller-scale attacks that concern Purdue University cybersecurity expert Eugene Spafford.

Tribunal says UK spies' Internet surveillance was unlawful

(AP)—U.K. spies acted illegally when they scooped up data about Britons' electronic communications gathered by the U.S. National Security Agency, a court ruled Friday in a landmark judgment against Britain's security services.

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