Surveillance tweaks illustrate little change after Snowden

The Obama administration has announced a series of modest changes in the use of private data collected for intelligence purposes, a move that underscores how little the Edward Snowden revelations have impeded the National ...

Obama tightens rules on use of bulk intelligence data

The Obama administration has tightened rules governing how the FBI, CIA and other intelligence agencies use Internet and phone communications of foreigners collected by the National Security Agency.

US penetrated N. Korea computer systems in 2010: report

The United States secretly penetrated North Korea's computer systems four years ago—a breach that allowed Washington to insist Pyongyang was to blame for the recent cyberattack on Sony Pictures, the New York Times reported ...

After Paris attacks, US and UK discuss privacy vs. security

President Barack Obama argued Friday that a resurgent fear of terrorism across Europe and the United States should not lead countries to overreact and shed privacy protections, even as British Prime Minister David Cameron ...

US kept international call data for over decade: report

The US Justice Department maintained a secret database of Americans' international phone calls for more than a decade before ending the program in 2013, The Wall Street Journal reported Friday.

Science panel: no alternative to bulk collection

A committee of scientific experts has concluded that there is no viable technological alternative to bulk collection of data by the National Security Agency that allows analysts access to communications whose significance ...

One million curies of radioactive material recovered

Los Alamos National Laboratory expertise helped the Department of Energy's (DOE) National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation (DNN) Radiological Material Removal Program's Off-Site Source ...

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