Cybersecurity firm: Chinese hacking on US companies persists

Chinese hacking attempts on American corporate intellectual property have occurred with regularity over the past three weeks, suggesting that China almost immediately began violating its newly minted cyberagreement with the ...

Officials in Utah defend NSA's role fighting cyber-attacks

The National Security Agency's massive data center in Utah isn't being used to store Americans' personal phone calls or social media activity, but plays a key role in protecting the country from cyber-attacks by hostile foreign ...

EU, US seek 'quick solutions' to data deal void

Brussels and Washington want "quick solutions" to the legal void left by the collapse of a transatlantic data deal on which major companies like Facebook depend, a senior EU official said Friday.

Microsoft, US clash in court on overseas email warrant

Microsoft and the US government clashed Wednesday in an appellate court hearing on law enforcement access to emails stored overseas, in a case with important implications for global data protection.

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